Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This morning I had choir. Yes you might think it is for girls but it is actually quite fun. I have a solo in our Winter Concert. My lyrics are "But the world in which we live is a very different place. Fear and hate affect us all every color, creed, and race. In art my class was very disrespectful. We ended up just sitting in our seats because of how disrespectful they were. Today it was early release today and we got out at 3:00 P.M.. Don't ask me why. Well I'm am about to watch the new The Middle, so have a good night.


This morning People said I wasn't allowed to go to school. They said I was still contagious.(don't worry I'm not) So in music we played a new beat on the drums. I didn't have any homework. After school at about maybe 8:00 P.M. I me and Prophet went to basketball practice. We didn't really get to do much things. Our practice ended at about 9:00 P.M.. We had to go to bed practically as soon as we got home. Good night.


Today I went home sick. During class, well my reading group, I vomited on my pants and in the trash can. I ran to tha bathroom to wash off. My mom had decided to take me home. I had had a head ache at the end of math class. After I spewed my head ache became no more. At home I did my homework ,and I watched Python Hunters. So that was my monday.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today my mom decided not to go to church. Today I was mostly watched T.V.. So I did a doulble header against my brother in foot ball. The first game I came back from 2-0 and won 4-5. The second game tragically ended my winning streak by a loss of 2. So I am watching the Patriot Steeler game. Right now the Patriots are winning, go PATRIOTS!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I might have to make this pretty brief. So today I had doughnuts. I had a apple fritter and a cinnamon roll that tasted like a pretzel. Today I played football with Prophet and I came back from losing 2-0 and I won 4-5. I got my head smacked into the ground in football, but I played on. So I had a good day.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Today I am full of energy. I had a good nights sleep. So in library I checked out two books. They were People of Ember and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. My enemy Juanett called me a teachers pet, which doesn't bother me at all. I just barely got my homework done when I had to leave. Today I got my mid-term and I got all A's. So I am about to go outside to play some football with my brother, so later.

My dog

This is a picture of me and Prophet with our dog Bowzer. As you can see see I am very much enjoying myself. That foot in the left side of the picture is my mom's foot. In this picture we were living in Wooster, Ohio. I think we were getting ready to watch a movie or we were just commonly goofing around. Bowzer is a very big,old mutt. He is very kind and gentle. If you really get him going he can probably take my dad down.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Man I am wiped out. Today I would say was very tiring. It started when I woke up this morning, I did not want to get up this morning. Math was worse. I had to write 9 different definitions for 9 different words. When we got home I didn't have any homework. I wanted to go to sleep but I had work to do. Our Granny was coming over so we had to go clean up the house. Then when we got done with that we had to get ready for basketball. Then we had to eat dinner.(we had chili) Then a few minutes later Granny arrived, then we had to leave for basketball practice. Our coach would even make the pros cry because of how many times we had to do suicides and drills. So right now I am pretty wiped out, and I ate too much chili. Well good night.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today I went to art and I created a insect city. I thought I did a pretty good on it. I finished my homework in school. When I got home I sat around for a while. Then I played a game of football with the Prophet. I got the first touchdown, 1-0. He made the second touchdown, 1-1. I got the third touchdown, 2-1. He got the fourth touchdown, 2-2. I got the winning touchdown, 3-2, victory for me. Then the Prophet got ticked at me that I won. The Prophet always uses that he is shorter than me as a crutch. So farewell I hope you had a nice day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today I was writing a realistic fiction story. It was about me moving. I actually got a little sad as I remembered what happened. I remember it as if it were yesterday, I was very furious with my father on that fateful day. So, anyway I was ticked with my classmates because of how rude they were in music. At around 7:00 pm we left to go to the church for a meeting about some thing I didn't pay attention to. I was mostly on my dad's computer. Well I've got to go to bed. Good night!! :-) :-)

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today I had some trouble getting up. This morning went really great, it went really smooth. Today I heard the police were after a student in my class.(although I didn't believe it) At around ten o' clock I went to my advanced math class. After I went to my math class, I did my reading groups. Then I had my lunch of ... well I'm not going to say. Then I had science class, and we learned about microscopes. Then we were dismissed, I have no homework. So my day has been great so far.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today I went to church. This morning was rough because my mom got on me about the trash. Although when we got to church it was great. I was most surprised to see my friend, who hadn't come to church in a while. When I got to my Sunday School room there was another surprise, there were balloons on the ground. The best part of it was that there was candy in the balloons. After Church we went home and got Bee ready for her play date. It was actually some what fun, we played tag and I played with their dog. So to sum up my day, it was very good!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Today I won my my basketball game. My team won by 3 points. One of my players broke his foot before the game. Since we didn't have enough players we had to have some kids from another team to help us out. A really big thanks to those two little boys, they were a really big help. I blocked a few lay-ups on a hot rod. I tried hard to be agressive, but I'm just not agressive like the other players on my team the other team. So the bottom line is that my team won when I was there.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Hello, welcome to my blog! I am presently 11. On February 7, 2011 I will be 12. I am 5' 8", and yes I'm big for my age. I am very crazy, and a little bit of a drama king, hence my nickname. I am a little new to this so take it easy on me okay. Today was just another ordinary day at school for me. I had library, science, lunch, and math. Nothing really special today. Tomorrow I have a basketball game so wish me luck. :-) :-)