Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today I was writing a realistic fiction story. It was about me moving. I actually got a little sad as I remembered what happened. I remember it as if it were yesterday, I was very furious with my father on that fateful day. So, anyway I was ticked with my classmates because of how rude they were in music. At around 7:00 pm we left to go to the church for a meeting about some thing I didn't pay attention to. I was mostly on my dad's computer. Well I've got to go to bed. Good night!! :-) :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that you were furious. I fully understand why you were. I hated the fact that I felt like I needed to make the move because of how much all of you loved Wooster. Wooster was a great place to live. I told you before and will keep telling you, I am sorry.
