Thursday, November 11, 2010


Man I am wiped out. Today I would say was very tiring. It started when I woke up this morning, I did not want to get up this morning. Math was worse. I had to write 9 different definitions for 9 different words. When we got home I didn't have any homework. I wanted to go to sleep but I had work to do. Our Granny was coming over so we had to go clean up the house. Then when we got done with that we had to get ready for basketball. Then we had to eat dinner.(we had chili) Then a few minutes later Granny arrived, then we had to leave for basketball practice. Our coach would even make the pros cry because of how many times we had to do suicides and drills. So right now I am pretty wiped out, and I ate too much chili. Well good night.

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